Rules and Guidelines
AI Usage
Can I use generative AI tools during my work for the submission?
Students in this Challenge are only permitted to use generative AI for purpose of background research and information search. In no case should AI be used in lieu of the team’s writing of any submission content or creation of the prospectus including investment thesis, diagram of fund or instrument, financial model or environmental/social impact thesis. If a student or student team has used AI research in support of creating the prospectus, each submission should be accompanied by a disclosure explaining for each case (1) what you used AI for; (2) the specific tool you used; and (3) what prompts you used to get the results. Any team using generative AI outside of the permitted area of research and without clear documentation will be disqualified from the Challenge.
Teams & Participants
Can our team have 5 members if we only send 4 to the Final Event?
No, you cannot have more than 4 individuals on a team.
Can a school have more than one team submit a prospectus to the competition?
There is no limitation to the number of teams from one school who can participate in the Challenge.
Can my team include students from more than one university?
Yes, students from different universities and programs can work together on a team.
Can my team submit more than one entry, or can I belong to more than one team?
No, each student may only belong to one team, and each team may only submit one entry.
Is this competition open to undergraduate students?
No, only students currently enrolled in a graduate degree program are eligible to participate in this competition. All students on a team must be graduate students.
Is this competition only open to business school students?
No, the competition is open to any and all graduate school students, and past finalists have come from all types of schools.
Is there an entry fee?
There are no fees to participate. Thanks to the support of Morgan Stanley and our generous sponsors, participation in the competition is completely free.
Are mentors mandatory?
No, you do not need to request a mentor to enter the competition. Mentors are an optional resource for you to use if you think you would benefit from one.
I am interested in starting a business with social impact. Is this the kind of venture the Challenge is looking for?
No, this competition requires you to propose and defend a sustainable impact investment strategy that uses finance and investment to create an innovative solution to an environmental or societal challenge. It is not looking to evaluate business plans.
What if my school doesn't have money for travel and lodging?
Do not worry; we pay for all travel and accommodations necessary for participation in the finals.
What resources are available to help students develop prospectuses?
You can request a mentor, attend/watch our webinars, sign up for alerts to get a free ImpactAlpha subscription, and utilize the guidelines and judging information we provide.